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Section 6.3 Rational Exponents

Subsection 1. Perform operations on fractions

When working with rational exponents, we will need to perform operations on fractions.

Subsubsection Examples

Example 6.29.

Add \(~\dfrac{-3}{4}+\left(\dfrac{-5}{8}\right)\)


The LCD for the fractions is 8, so we build the first fraction:

\begin{equation*} \dfrac{-3}{4} \cdot \alert{\dfrac{2}{2}} = \dfrac{-6}{8} \end{equation*}

Then we combine like fractions:

\begin{equation*} \dfrac{-6}{8}+\left(\dfrac{-5}{8}\right) = \dfrac{-6+(-5)}{8} = \dfrac{-11}{8} \end{equation*}
Example 6.30.

Subtract \(~\dfrac{-5}{6}-\left(\dfrac{-3}{4}\right)\)


The LCD for the fractions is 12, so we build each fraction:

\begin{equation*} \dfrac{-5}{6} \cdot \alert{\dfrac{2}{2}} = \dfrac{-10}{12};~~~~\dfrac{-3}{4} \cdot \alert{\dfrac{3}{3}} = \dfrac{-9}{12} \end{equation*}

Then we combine like fractions:

\begin{equation*} \dfrac{-10}{12}-\left(\dfrac{-9}{12}\right) = \dfrac{-10+9}{12} = \dfrac{-1}{12} \end{equation*}
Example 6.31.

Multiply \(~\dfrac{-2}{3}\left(\dfrac{5}{4}\right)\)


We multiply numerators together, and multiply denominators together:

\begin{equation*} \dfrac{-2}{3}\left(\dfrac{5}{4}\right) = \dfrac{-2 \cdot 5}{3 \cdot 4} = \dfrac{-10}{12} \end{equation*}

Then we reduce:

\begin{equation*} \dfrac{-10}{12} = \dfrac{-5 \cdot \cancel{2}}{6 \cdot \cancel{2}} = \dfrac{-5}{6} \end{equation*}

Subsubsection Exercises

Add \(~\dfrac{-3}{4}+\dfrac{1}{3}\)



Subtract \(~\dfrac{3}{8}-\left(\dfrac{-1}{6}\right)\)



Multiply \(~\dfrac{3}{8} \cdot \left(\dfrac{-1}{6}\right)\)



Subsection 2. Convert between fractions and decimals

Rational exponents may also be written in decimal form.

Subsubsection Examples

Example 6.35.

Convert \(~0.016~\) to a common fraction.


The numerator of the fraction is 016, or 16. The last digit, 6, is in the thousandths place, so the denominator of the fraction is 1000. Thus, \(0.016=\dfrac{16}{1000}\text{.}\) We can reduce this fraction by dividing top and bottom by 8:

\begin{equation*} ~ \dfrac{16}{1000} = \dfrac{\cancel{8} \cdot 2}{\cancel{8} \cdot 125} = \dfrac{2}{125} \end{equation*}
Example 6.36.

Convert \(~\dfrac{5}{16}~\) to a decimal fraction.


Using a calculator, divide 5 by 16:

\(\qquad\qquad 5\) ÷ \(16 = 0.3125\)

Example 6.37.

Convert \(~\dfrac{5}{11}~\) to a decimal fraction.


Using a calculator, divide 5 by 11:

\(\qquad\qquad 5\) ÷ \(11= 0.45454545 ... \)

This is a nonterminating decimal, which we indicate by a repeater bar:

\begin{equation*} \dfrac{5}{11}= 0.45454545 ... = 0.\overline{45} \end{equation*}

Subsubsection Exercises

Convert \(~0.1062~\) to a common fraction.


Convert \(~2.08~\) to a common fraction.


Convert \(~\dfrac{4}{15}~\) to a decimal fraction.


Subsection 3. Solve equations

To solve an equation of the form \(~x^n = k\text{,}\) we can raise both sides to the reciprocal of the exponent:

\begin{align*} (x^n)^{1/n} \amp = k^{1/n}\\ x \amp = k^{1/n} \end{align*}

because \(~(x^n)^{1/n} = x^{n(1/n)} = x^1\text{.}\)

Subsubsection Examples

Example 6.41.

Solve \(~0.6x^4 = 578\text{.}\) Round your answer to hundredths.


First, we isolate the power.

\begin{align*} 0.6x^4 \amp = 578 \amp\amp \blert{\text{Divide both sides by 0.6.}}\\ x^4 \amp = 963.\overline{3} \end{align*}

We raise both sides to the reciprocal of the power.

\begin{align*} (x^4)^{1/4} \amp = (963.\overline{3})^{1/4} \amp\amp \blert{\text{By the third law of exponents,}~ (x^4)^{1/4}=x.}\\ x \amp = 5.57 \end{align*}

To evaluate \((963.\overline{3})^{1/4}\text{,}\) enter \(~~\text{ANS}\)^ \(.25\) ENTER

Example 6.42.

Solve \(~x^{2/3}-4=60\text{.}\)


First, we isolate the power.

\begin{align*} x^{2/3}-4 \amp = 60 \amp\amp \blert{\text{Add 4 to both sides.}}\\ x^{2/3} \amp = 64 \end{align*}

We raise both sides to the reciprocal of the power.

\begin{align*} \left(x^{2/3}\right)^{3/2} \amp = 64^{3/2} \amp\amp \blert{64^{3/2}=\left(64^{1/2}\right)^3=8^3}\\ x \amp = 512 \end{align*}

Or we can evaluate \(~64^{3/2}~\) by entering \(~~64\) ^ \(1.5\) ENTER

Example 6.43.

Solve \(~18x^{0.24} = 6.5\text{.}\) Round your answer to thousandths.


First, we isolate the power.

\begin{align*} 18x^{0.24} \amp = 6.5 \amp\amp \blert{\text{Divide both sides by 18.}}\\ x^{0.24} \amp = 0.36\overline{1} \end{align*}

We raise both sides to the reciprocal of the power.

\begin{align*} \left(x^{0.24}\right)^{1/0.24} \amp = (0.36\overline{1})^{1/0.24}\\ x \amp = 0.014 \end{align*}

We evaluate \((0.36\overline{1})^{1/0.24}\) by entering \(~~\text{ANS}\) ^ ( \(1\) ÷ \(.24\) ) ENTER

Subsubsection Exercises

Solve \(~4x^5 = 1825~\text{.}\) Round your answer to thousandths.


Solve \(~\dfrac{3}{4}x^{3/4} = 36~\text{.}\) Round your answer to thousandths.


Solve \(~0.2x^{1.4}+1.8=12.3~\text{.}\) Round your answer to thousandths.
